AGRO Forst & Energietechnik GmbH

Heat and power from wood for CO2 neutrality

 We are specialists in biomass heating and cogeneration plants and have been a one-stop shop for customized solutions for more than 40 years. Our customers include regional and national energy suppliers, municipal utilities and the woodworking and processing industry in Europe and overseas.

But also more and more other industries such as the paper,  furniture, food and pharmaceutical industries rely on the high-quality products and solutions of AGRO Forst & Energietechnik GmbH for the CO2-neutral generation of process heat or for the use of steam or thermal oil cogeneration.

Some AGRO references at home and abroad

Click on individual references for details or on the following link for an overview of references.

Our top products and solutions

AGRO Efficiency Booster

Your boiler system can do more! Achieve the best possible efficiencies with the most difficult fuels and take advantage of our optimal combustion control system: the AGRO Efficiency Booster.

Heat recovery / flue gas condensation

By using AGRO flue gas condensation, biomass furnaces can be operated with condensing technology and achieve overall efficiencies of over 100%.

Modular container system

The AGRO complete solution with maximum flexibility. The modular design makes it possible to erect the boiler system with the boiler house, piping and the entire infrastructure in the shortest possible time.

Turbo Challenger® / waste wood combustion

Biomass furnace for very demanding fuels, such as waste wood. The fuel wood is becoming more valuable, and therefore more expensive, every day. AGRO has solved this problem with the development of the Turbo Challenger®.

Process heat and cogeneration for CO2 neutrality

CO2-neutral energy from hot water, steam or thermal oil systems for the wood, paper,  furniture, food  or pharmaceutical industries by using high-quality AGRO products and solutions. 

Optimisation & service

To avoid expensive downtime costs and achieve the highest efficiencies with your equipment, even the most robust and reliable systems require maintenance and service. Our experienced service technicians specialise in biomass boiler systems of all makes.

Latest news from AGRO

Click on individual news items to read more or on the following link for an overview of news items.

Interested? – Contact us!

Get in touch with us – we will be happy to advise you on your plans and implement your projects!

Heat & power from wood
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