Our systems are manufactured by highly qualified employees with excellent technical training. Many years of experience guarantee excellent, long-lasting products.
Our systems are manufactured in compliance with the following standards:
- Certification to ISO 9001:2000
- Comprehensive suitability certificate DIN 18800T7 6.2 with extension according to DIN 15018
- Confirmation according to Austrian standard M 7812 T1, class 1
- Process tests StE690
- Approval for stud welding to EN ISO 14555
Our control systems are manufactured in compliance with the following standards:
- EN 60439
- EN 60204
Company premises with boiler delivery warehouse
AGRO production 4, hall
AGRO production 7, welding, cutting
AGRO production 6, cutting
AGRO production boiler location
AGRO production boiler location 2
AGRO production T™
AGRO production crane 2
AGRO production drilling
AGRO production 5, cutting
AGRO production electrical engineering 2
AGRO production electrical engineering
AGRO production 3, cutting
AGRO production 1, welding
AGRO production 2, welding, cutting